initial proposal, image in catalogue
São Jorge Cinema - Lisboa, photo by Ângelo Ferreira de Sousa
São Jorge Cinema - Lisboa, photo by Ângelo Ferreira de Sousa
São Jorge Cinema - Lisboa, photo by Ângelo Ferreira de Sousa
We think about those Florentine paintings that led youths to pose for the face of Madonnas, and in Proust when he weaves the sexes with astuteness and inability which give his characters a mysterious prestige. Barbette succeeds because he addresses the instinct of several rooms in a single one and obscurely groups contradictory suffrages. Because he pleases those who see in him the woman, those who guess in him the man, and to others with a soul that is moved by beauty’s supernatural sex. (Free translation from the Portuguese edition: Jean Cocteau – Visão Invisível – Assírio & Alvim 2005 )
Queer Lisboa – film festival