Finding Money CAC Synagogue de Delme
Residência Artística com Antonio Contador Lindre-Basse Centro de Arte Contemporânea, Synagogue de Delme, França.
Residency at Lindre-Basse / CAC la Synagogue de Delme with Antonio Contador
“Since 2011, Antonio Contador and Carla Cruz have been jointly building the project Finding Money, which begins with the simple gesture of picking up lost money found on the ground. This collecting is a pretext for discussion between the two artists, one living in Paris and the other in London. It was inspired by filmmaker João César Monteiro’s “Parisian diary", in which he describes staying in Paris in the 1990s and stumbling upon coins in the streets every day. The artist duo write a journal, describing places passed through, their moods and reflections through their day-to-day finds. The coins are then destroyed and diverted. Out of use, they acquire a whole other value through a poetic repurposing.”
Marie Bechetoille