• Local Walk: Finding Money: London & Paris Diary


    28 March / 4.30pm

    Antonio Contador and Carla Cruz, artists in residency at Gasworks and Open School East, supported by the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, host the first of a series of public events related to their project Finding Money: London & Paris Diary.

    A 30-minute walk around OSE in the search for dropped coins. In the process, the artists will discuss elements of their work.

    Meeting at the main entrance of The Rose Lipman Building. 43 de Beauvoir Road. London N1 5SQ

  • Gasworks and Open School East Residency


    Gasworks and Open School East are co-hosting a residency by Portuguese artists Antonio Contador and Carla Cruz, supported by Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation. This partnership enables the artists to spend 6 months working in a shared studio at Open School East, an experimental and self-directed artists’ space that focuses on professional development and the exchange of ideas.

    During their residency, Antonio and Carla will explore the questions and problems that arise when money is found on the street. Continuing a project they started in 2012, they will unpack the social and political repercussions of this everyday occurrence in collaboration with experts from various fields, such as numismatics, economy, geography and osteopathy. Their research will result in series public events at Open School East focusing on how these specialists and others interpret the issues of value, honesty and privitisation at stake in finding or misplacing money.

    Finding Money, 2011-12, Carla Cruz, 105 GPB in scratch cards/105 GPB em raspadinhas

  • WPAC residency at 38 Hoe Street


    Introducing Walthamstow Performing Arts Collective (WPAC) sees us taking over a shop unit on 38 Hoe Street and presenting a public programme from Thursday, 4th December 2014 until Sunday, 14th.

    With this we bring visual art, theatre, dance, music, science, film and food. WPAC sees a community coming together to share across the spectrum and see what the future holds. Can wE17 have a community-led performance space?

    full programme

    WPAC is an informal group that would like to create a venue for performing arts in Walthamstow. WPAC misses a local space where groundbreaking artistic practice emerges and develops, and where practitioners and audiences can interact.

    With the Collective for Performing Arts WPAC envisions an informal space for testing new ideas and showcasing performing arts including music, theatre, spoken word, live art and more. WPAC would like to see this space to be led by and for its users – artists and audiences alike.