Free Market


Over the course of three days, Market Gallery will host numerous arts organisers, artists, journalists, writers, economists and activists from across Scotland & the UK. Initiated partly as a response to losing two of our gallery spaces at the end of May, we want to problem-pose the underlying issues behind the allocation of resources and property within the arts & wider cultural sphere. The aim of the forum will be to understand and critique the structural complexities and collectively search for potential alternatives or solutions.
The forum will be free and will invite responses from both invited speakers and the public. It will address our increasingly fragile ecology of arts, culture & media from a range of perspectives:

- Who and what determines how cultural resources are distributed, and for what purposes?
- What are the effects of privatisation on the arts?
- How can we actively transform art, work & culture for the better?
- How can we build radically new forms of collective, cross-cultural organisation?